old new guestbook dland GLINT



How I Learned To Stop Worrying...2.24.04

So, what's next, Secretary Paige? Bombs over the NEA? PTA meetings as strategic strike zones? I know, I know. It was just a little verbal stumble, but let's all remember to catch our rhetoric when it starts running wildly away from us.

reflect - reinvent [email protected]... what i used to think... what i hear... what i see... where i'd like to be...

the black apple... the girl who... sarah brown... thunderpie... evany... jenny b harris... posie... claude le monde... artsy... fartsy... jeff... random person in texas... another rachel... smitten kitchen... more of me... still more of me... even more of me...and yet still more of me...more of me but not for free...

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